
Kwuŋo, ki lot? Hey, how are you?

Mwaneḷe is my main conlang, my flagship project, and easily the most developed language I’ve made. I started it the last week of November 2018 and developed it over the course of Lexember 2018. I started out with the goal of creating a language with no adpositions and no case marking, in order to push myself out of my comfort zone. I tried to make Mwaneḷe naturalistic. There are a few things about it that I suspect aren’t too naturalistic, but at this point I’m so attached to the language that I won’t change them. I’m happy with soft naturalism.

By way of typological introduction, Mwaneḷe is a very verb-heavy language: it makes heavy use of serial verbs for all sorts of different constructions and it has a fair amount of verb morphology, marking voice, transitivity, TAM, negation, and several kinds of non-finite forms on the verb. It uses SVCs to talk about manner, location and position, results, movement, simultaneous actions, modality, and lots of idiomatic or lexicalized uses. Meanwhile, there’s no real inflection on nouns, no case, gender, or number, just a couple clitics that link noun phrases together. Mwaneḷe tends to be head-initial, and it’s VSO in most cases other than transitive matrix clauses. 

Check out below for more Mwane Content!

Where can I find Mwaneḷe?

Segments Issue 1

Apr 05, 2021

Segments came out today!   Click here to take a look at the announcement and read the posts.    Segments is the r/conlangs journal where we publish submissions from conlangers in the community. Thanks especially to Slorany and Lysimachiakis for their hard work on this!   Since I’m on the team who’s working on it,… Continue reading Segments Issue 1

We ole, kwuŋo!

Mar 17, 2021

We, we, we…de ṭem tetasi. De pikiḷe xi litakwu de tesi, ŋe…de pakwuje eḍimwu gwon Mwaneḷe. Ŋewo lo. 

Just a note: The language is called Mwaneḷe. It’s written in Mwane script. It’s spoken by Mwane people, natively Ŋin Mwane. The adjective for the language is also Mwane. I often abbreviate Mwaneḷe to Mwane, so if you see both forms around, they refer to the same thing!

Di ḍule ḷaxe le! Thanks for reading!